Table of Contents
Here, we introduce how to implement a simple maze task with SkyAI. The maze task has a discrete state and a discrete action, which will be implemented as a module of SkyAI. As an reinforcement learning algorithm, Peng's Q(lambda)-learning is applied to the maze task; of course, we use predefined modules.
The following is the procedure:
The sample code works on a console; no extra libraries are required. Let's start!
Please refer to ../Tutorial - Making Module.
int NumEpisodes; // number of episodes int MaxSteps; // number of max action steps per episode int StartX, StartY; // start position double GoalReward; // goal reward double StepCost; // cost for each action step int SleepUTime; // duration for display std::vector<std::vector<int> > Map; // Map[y][x], 0:free space, 1:wall, 2:goal, every element should have the same size
TMazeTaskConfigurations (var_space::TVariableMap &mmap) : NumEpisodes (1000), MaxSteps (1000), StartX (1), StartY (1), GoalReward (1.0), StepCost (-0.01), SleepUTime (1000) { Register(mmap); }
ADD( NumEpisodes ); ADD( StartX ); ADD( StartY ); ADD( GoalReward ); ADD( StepCost ); ADD( SleepUTime ); ADD( Map );
#include <lora/variable_space_impl.h> // to store std::vector<TIntVector>
//=========================================================================================== //!\brief Maze task (environment+task) module class MMazeTaskModule : public TModuleInterface //=========================================================================================== { public: typedef TModuleInterface TParent; typedef MMazeTaskModule TThis; SKYAI_MODULE_NAMES(MMazeTaskModule) MMazeTaskModule (const std::string &v_instance_name) : TParent (v_instance_name), conf_ (TParent::param_box_config_map()) { } protected: TMazeTaskConfigurations conf_; }; // end of MMazeTaskModule //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAKE_SLOT_PORT(slot_start, void, (void), (), TThis); MAKE_SLOT_PORT(slot_execute_action, void, (const TInt &a), (a), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_initialization, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_start_of_episode, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_finish_episode, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_end_of_episode, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_start_of_step, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_end_of_step, void (void), TThis); MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_reward, void (const TSingleReward &), TThis); MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_state_set_size, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis); MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_action_set_size, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis); MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_state, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis); MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_time, const TReal&, (void), (), TThis);
MMazeTaskModule (const std::string &v_instance_name) : ... slot_start (*this), slot_execute_action (*this), signal_initialization (*this), signal_start_of_episode (*this), signal_finish_episode (*this), signal_end_of_episode (*this), signal_start_of_step (*this), signal_end_of_step (*this), signal_reward (*this), out_state_set_size (*this), out_action_set_size (*this), out_state (*this), out_time (*this)
add_slot_port (slot_start ); add_slot_port (slot_execute_action ); add_signal_port (signal_initialization ); add_signal_port (signal_start_of_episode ); add_signal_port (signal_finish_episode ); add_signal_port (signal_end_of_episode ); add_signal_port (signal_start_of_step ); add_signal_port (signal_end_of_step ); add_signal_port (signal_reward ); add_out_port (out_state_set_size ); add_out_port (out_action_set_size ); add_out_port (out_state ); add_out_port (out_time );
mutable int state_set_size_; const int action_set_size_; int current_action_; int pos_x_, pos_y_; mutable int tmp_state_; TReal current_time_; TInt num_episode_;
state_set_size_ (0), action_set_size_ (4), current_action_ (0),
virtual void slot_start_exec (void);Then, define it outside the class:
/*virtual*/void MMazeTaskModule::slot_start_exec (void) { init_environment(); signal_initialization.ExecAll(); for(num_episode_=0; num_episode_<conf_.NumEpisodes; ++num_episode_) { init_environment(); signal_start_of_episode.ExecAll(); bool running(true); while(running) { signal_start_of_step.ExecAll(); running= step_environment(); show_environment(); usleep(conf_.SleepUTime); if(current_time_>=conf_.MaxSteps) { signal_finish_episode.ExecAll(); running= false; } signal_end_of_step.ExecAll(); } signal_end_of_episode.ExecAll(); } }where we used the three member functions. These are declared at the protected section:
void init_environment (void); bool step_environment (void); void show_environment (void);and, defined outside the class:
void MMazeTaskModule::init_environment (void) { pos_x_= conf_.StartX; pos_y_= conf_.StartY; current_time_= 0.0l; }
bool MMazeTaskModule::step_environment (void) { int next_x(pos_x_), next_y(pos_y_); switch(current_action_) { case 0: ++next_x; break; // right case 1: --next_y; break; // up case 2: --next_x; break; // left case 3: ++next_y; break; // down default: LERROR("invalid action:"<<current_action_); } ++current_time_; signal_reward.ExecAll(conf_.StepCost); switch(conf_.Map[next_y][next_x]) { case 0: // free space pos_x_=next_x; pos_y_=next_y; break; case 1: // wall break; case 2: // goal pos_x_=next_x; pos_y_=next_y; signal_reward.ExecAll(conf_.GoalReward); signal_finish_episode.ExecAll(); return false; default: LERROR("invalid map element: "<<conf_.Map[next_y][next_x]); } return true; }
void MMazeTaskModule::show_environment (void) { int x(0),y(0); std::cout<<"("<<pos_x_<<","<<pos_y_<<") "<<current_time_<<"/"<<num_episode_<<std::endl; for(std::vector<std::vector<int> >::const_iterator yitr(conf_.Map.begin()),ylast(conf_.Map.end());yitr!=ylast;++yitr,++y) { x=0; for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator xitr(yitr->begin()),xlast(yitr->end());xitr!=xlast;++xitr,++x) { std::cout<<" "; if(x==pos_x_ && y==pos_y_) std::cout<<"R"; else if(x==conf_.StartX && y==conf_.StartY) std::cout<<"S"; else switch(*xitr) { case 0: std::cout<<" "; break; case 1: std::cout<<"#"; break; case 2: std::cout<<"G"; break; default: std::cout<<"?"; break; } } std::cout<<" "<<std::endl; } std::cout<<std::endl; }
virtual void slot_execute_action_exec (const TInt &a) { current_action_= a; } virtual const TInt& out_state_set_size_get (void) const { state_set_size_= conf_.Map[0].size() * conf_.Map.size(); return state_set_size_; } virtual const TInt& out_action_set_size_get (void) const { return action_set_size_; } virtual const TInt& out_state_get (void) const { return tmp_state_=serialize(pos_x_,pos_y_); } virtual const TReal& out_time_get (void) const { return current_time_; }where serialize is a protected member function defined as follows:
int serialize (int x, int y) const { return y * conf_.Map[0].size() + x; }
That's it.