* Installation Guide [#t76324d1]

** Dependent Libraries [#k140a87a]
To build SkyAI, the following libraries (including headers) are needed:

- [[Octave>http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/]] (liboctave, headers)

- [[Boost C++ Libraries>http://www.boost.org/]]
-- current_function.hpp
-- Bind (bind.hpp)
-- Conversion (lexical_cast.hpp)
-- Filesystem (filesystem/operations.hpp, filesystem/path.hpp)
-- Function (function.hpp)
-- Preprocessor (preprocessor.hpp)
-- Random (random.hpp)
-- Spirit (spirit/include/classic.hpp)
-- Tokenizer (tokenizer.hpp)

- [[Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)>http://www.ode.org/]] (Required only for robot-learning benchmarks)
-- libode
-- libdrawstuff

- Some *nix-specific headers:
-- sys/ioctl.h
-- sys/resource.h
-- sys/stat.h
-- sys/time.h
-- sys/types.h
-- termios.h
-- fcntl.h
-- unistd.h

** Build [#k29289c2]
*** 1. Get the source code [#yb19ea79]
Get the files from the Git repository:

  $ git clone git://skyai.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/skyai/skyai

*** 2. Create the file liblora/src/Makefile_odeflags [#nf698dc2]
This file sets some compile flags for ODE.

See a sample: liblora/src/Makefile_odeflags.sample

*** 3. Modify makefiles [#z7922081]
The default makefiles are written for a standard Debian / Ubuntu system.  If your system is something else, some modifications may be needed about the following makefiles:

- liblora/src/Makefile_cmn
- benchmarks/humanoid01/Makefile
- benchmarks/bioloid/Makefile
- benchmarks/maze2d/Makefile
- tools/ngnet-generator/Makefile

*** 4. Build [#p64d4c4f]
''Build all programs''

In the skyai directory, execute:

  $ make

''Custom build''

You can build each sub-program in ''any order''.  If a sub-program depends on the other sub-programs, they are automatically built.

- liblora (loco_rabbits C++ libraries):
-- liblora - standard:

  $ cd liblora/src
  $ make std

-- liblora - Octave:

  $ cd liblora/src
  $ make oct

-- liblora - ODE:

  $ cd liblora/src
  $ make ode

- libskyai (the SkyAI core system, and some modules):

  $ cd libskyai/src
  $ make

- benchmarks (some demo programs):
-- maze2d:

  $ cd benchmarks/maze2d
  $ make

-- humanoid01:

  $ cd benchmarks/humanoid01
  $ make

-- bioloid:

  $ cd benchmarks/bioloid
  $ make

- tools:
-- ngnet-generator:

  $ cd tools/ngnet-generator
  $ make

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