Table of Contents


Here, we introduce how to implement a simple maze task with SkyAI. The maze task has a discrete state and a discrete action, which will be implemented as a module of SkyAI.

# # # # # # # # # #
#       #       G #
#   #   #         #
# S #   # #       #
#   #     #   # # #
#         #       #
#                 #
# # # # # # # # # #

As an reinforcement learning algorithm, Peng's Q(lambda)-learning is applied to the maze task; of course, we use predefined modules.

The following is the procedure:

  1. Implement a maze task module.
  2. Implement a random action module for testing the task module.
  3. Implement a main function.
  4. Compile.
  5. Write an agent script for the random action test.
  6. Write an agent script to apply Q(lambda)-learning.

The sample code works on a console; no extra libraries are required. Let's start!

Maze Task Module

Please refer to ../Tutorial - Making Module.

  1. Make a C++ source file using a template materials/templates/apps/main_tmpl.cpp contained in the SkyAI directory.
    • You can modify the file information (file name, brief, author, date, copyright, license info, etc.)
    • Replace every NAME_SPACE by loco_rabbits.
    • Write the following code inside the namespace loco_rabbits.
  2. Make a configure class using the template TXxConfigurations written in ../Tutorial - Making Module.
    • Replace every TXxConfigurations by TMazeTaskConfigurations.
    • Remove the TestC parameter and add the following parameters:
      int   NumEpisodes;     // number of episodes
      int   MaxSteps;        // number of max action steps per episode
      int   StartX, StartY;  // start position
      double GoalReward;     // goal reward
      double StepCost;       // cost for each action step
      int   SleepUTime;      // duration for display
      std::vector<std::vector<int> >   Map;  // Map[y][x], 0:free space, 1:wall, 2:goal, every element should have the same size
    • Initialize them at the constructor as:
      TMazeTaskConfigurations (var_space::TVariableMap &mmap) :
          NumEpisodes   (1000),
          MaxSteps      (1000),
          StartX        (1),
          StartY        (1),
          GoalReward    (1.0),
          StepCost      (-0.01),
          SleepUTime    (1000)
    • In the member function Register, insert them:
      ADD( NumEpisodes );
      ADD( StartX );
      ADD( StartY );
      ADD( GoalReward );
      ADD( StepCost );
      ADD( SleepUTime );
      ADD( Map );
    • Add lora/variable_space_impl.h in the include list.
      #include <lora/variable_space_impl.h>  // to store std::vector<TIntVector>
    • You can add your own parameters such as a noise.
  3. Make the base of the module using the template MXxModule written in ../Tutorial - Making Module.
    • Simple template is OK.
    • Replace every MXxModule by MMazeEnvModule.
    • Replace every MParentModule by TModuleInterface.
    • Replace TXxConfigurations by TMazeTaskConfigurations.
    • Remove the definition of mem_ (TXxMemory mem_;).
      //!\brief Maze task (environment+task) module
      class MMazeTaskModule
          : public TModuleInterface
        typedef TModuleInterface TParent;
        typedef MMazeTaskModule  TThis;
        MMazeTaskModule (const std::string &v_instance_name)
          : TParent        (v_instance_name),
            conf_          (TParent::param_box_config_map())
        TMazeTaskConfigurations  conf_;
      };  // end of MMazeTaskModule
  4. Add following ports into MMazeEnvModule.
    • (port type), (port name), (return type), (parameter list), (purpose)
    • slot, slot_start, void, (void), called at the beginning of the execution.
    • slot, slot_execute_action, void, (const TInt &a), called by an RL agent module to execute action.
    • signal, signal_initialization, void (void), emit when the module is initialized.
    • signal, signal_start_of_episode, void (void), emit when each episode starts.
    • signal, signal_finish_episode, void (void), emit when the end-of-episode condition is satisfied.
    • signal, signal_end_of_episode, void (void), emit when each episode is terminated.
    • signal, signal_start_of_step, void (void), emit at the start of each step.
    • signal, signal_end_of_step, void (void), emit at the end of each step.
    • signal, signal_reward, void (const TSingleReward &), emit when a reward is given.
    • out, out_state_set_size, const TInt&, (void), output the number of elements in the state set.
    • out, out_action_set_size, const TInt&, (void), output the number of elements in the action set.
    • out, out_state, const TInt&, (void), output the current state (x,y are serialized).
    • out, out_time, const TReal&, (void), output the current time.
    • Note: some signal ports will not be used, but, defined for later use.
    • In order to add the ports, follow the steps:
    1. Add declarations:
        MAKE_SLOT_PORT(slot_start, void, (void), (), TThis);
        MAKE_SLOT_PORT(slot_execute_action, void, (const TInt &a), (a), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_initialization, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_start_of_episode, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_finish_episode, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_end_of_episode, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_start_of_step, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_end_of_step, void (void), TThis);
        MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_reward, void (const TSingleReward &), TThis);
        MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_state_set_size, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis);
        MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_action_set_size, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis);
        MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_state, const TInt&, (void), (), TThis);
        MAKE_OUT_PORT(out_time, const TReal&, (void), (), TThis);
    2. Add initializers at the constructor:
      MMazeTaskModule (const std::string &v_instance_name)
        : ...
          slot_start              (*this),
          slot_execute_action     (*this),
          signal_initialization   (*this),
          signal_start_of_episode (*this),
          signal_finish_episode   (*this),
          signal_end_of_episode   (*this),
          signal_start_of_step    (*this),
          signal_end_of_step      (*this),
          signal_reward           (*this),
          out_state_set_size      (*this),
          out_action_set_size     (*this),
          out_state               (*this),
          out_time                (*this)
    3. Add register functions at the constructor:
      add_slot_port   (slot_start              );
      add_slot_port   (slot_execute_action     );
      add_signal_port (signal_initialization   );
      add_signal_port (signal_start_of_episode );
      add_signal_port (signal_finish_episode   );
      add_signal_port (signal_end_of_episode   );
      add_signal_port (signal_start_of_step    );
      add_signal_port (signal_end_of_step      );
      add_signal_port (signal_reward           );
      add_out_port    (out_state_set_size      );
      add_out_port    (out_action_set_size     );
      add_out_port    (out_state               );
      add_out_port    (out_time                );
  5. Next, we implement the slot port callbacks and the output functions. This procedure is slightly complicated; follow one by one.
    1. Add member variables at the protected section.
      mutable int state_set_size_;
      const int action_set_size_;
      int  current_action_;
      int  pos_x_, pos_y_;
      mutable int tmp_state_;
      TReal current_time_;
      TInt  num_episode_;
    2. Add their initializers:
      state_set_size_  (0),
      action_set_size_ (4),
      current_action_  (0),
    3. Implement slot_start_exec. This is a long code, so, write the declaration at the protected section:
      virtual void slot_start_exec (void);
      Then, define it outside the class:
      /*virtual*/void MMazeTaskModule::slot_start_exec (void)
        for(num_episode_=0; num_episode_<conf_.NumEpisodes; ++num_episode_)
          bool running(true);
            running= step_environment();
              running= false;
      where we used the three member functions. These are declared at the protected section:
      void init_environment (void);
      bool step_environment (void);
      void show_environment (void);
      and, defined outside the class:
      void MMazeTaskModule::init_environment (void)
        pos_x_= conf_.StartX;
        pos_y_= conf_.StartY;
        current_time_= 0.0l;
      bool MMazeTaskModule::step_environment (void)
        int next_x(pos_x_), next_y(pos_y_);
        case 0: ++next_x; break;  // right
        case 1: --next_y; break;  // up
        case 2: --next_x; break;  // left
        case 3: ++next_y; break;  // down
        default: LERROR("invalid action:"<<current_action_);
        case 0:  // free space
        case 1:  // wall
        case 2:  // goal
          return false;
        default: LERROR("invalid map element: "<<conf_.Map[next_y][next_x]);
        return true;
      void MMazeTaskModule::show_environment (void)
        int x(0),y(0);
        std::cout<<"("<<pos_x_<<","<<pos_y_<<")  "<<current_time_<<"/"<<num_episode_<<std::endl;
        for(std::vector<std::vector<int> >::const_iterator yitr(conf_.Map.begin()),ylast(conf_.Map.end());yitr!=ylast;++yitr,++y)
          for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator xitr(yitr->begin()),xlast(yitr->end());xitr!=xlast;++xitr,++x)
            std::cout<<" ";
            if(x==pos_x_ && y==pos_y_)
            else if(x==conf_.StartX && y==conf_.StartY)
              case 0:  std::cout<<" "; break;
              case 1:  std::cout<<"#"; break;
              case 2:  std::cout<<"G"; break;
              default: std::cout<<"?"; break;
          std::cout<<" "<<std::endl;
    4. Implement the other slot port callbacks and output functions. These are short code, so, you can write inside the class at the protected section.
      virtual void slot_execute_action_exec (const TInt &a)
          current_action_= a;
      virtual const TInt& out_state_set_size_get (void) const
          state_set_size_= conf_.Map[0].size() * conf_.Map.size();
          return state_set_size_;
      virtual const TInt& out_action_set_size_get (void) const
          return action_set_size_;
      virtual const TInt& out_state_get (void) const
          return tmp_state_=serialize(pos_x_,pos_y_);
      virtual const TReal& out_time_get (void) const
          return current_time_;
      where serialize is a protected member function defined as follows:
      int serialize (int x, int y) const
          return y * conf_.Map[0].size() + x;
  6. Finally, use SKYAI_ADD_MODULE macro to register the module on SkyAI:

That's it.

Random Action Module

Next, in order to test the MMazeTaskModule module, we make a module named MRandomActionModule that emits a random action at each step. MRandomActionModule has two ports:

Thus, its implementation is very simple:

//!\brief Random action module
class MRandomActionModule
    : public TModuleInterface
  typedef TModuleInterface     TParent;
  typedef MRandomActionModule  TThis;

  MRandomActionModule (const std::string &v_instance_name)
    : TParent        (v_instance_name),
      slot_step      (*this),
      signal_action  (*this)
      add_slot_port   (slot_step    );
      add_signal_port (signal_action);

  MAKE_SLOT_PORT(slot_step, void, (void), (), TThis);
  MAKE_SIGNAL_PORT(signal_action, void (const TInt &), TThis);

  virtual void slot_step_exec (void)
      signal_action.ExecAll(rand() % 4);
};  // end of MRandomActionModule

Then, use SKYAI_ADD_MODULE macro to register the module on SkyAI:


Main Function

Refer to ../Tutorial - Making Executable.

Our main function is as follows:

using namespace std;
using namespace loco_rabbits;
int main(int argc, char**argv)
  TOptionParser option(argc,argv);

  TAgent  agent;
  if (!ParseCmdLineOption (agent, option))  return 0;

  MMazeTaskModule *p_maze_task = dynamic_cast<MMazeTaskModule*>(agent.SearchModule("maze_task"));
  if(p_maze_task==NULL)  {LERROR("module `maze_task' is not defined as an instance of MMazeTaskModule"); return 1;}

  agent.SaveToFile (agent.GetDataFileName("before.agent"),"before-");


  agent.SaveToFile (agent.GetDataFileName("after.agent"),"after-");

  return 0;

This main function consists of the following parts:

  1. Create an instance of the TAgent class.
  2. Parse the command line option and load an agent script.
  3. Get a module named maze_task which is an instance of MMazeTaskModule.
  4. Save the agent status into a file named before.agent.
  5. Execute the maze_task's Start function.
  6. Save the agent status into a file named after.agent.


First, write a makefile as follows:

include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_preconf
EXEC := maze.out
OBJS := maze.o
include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_body

Then, execute the make command:


An executable named maze.out is generated?

Agent Script for Random Action Test

Now, let's test MMazeTaskModule using MRandomActionModule.

  1. Create a blank file named random_act.agent and open it.
  2. Instantiate each module; the MMazeTaskModule's instance should have the name maze_task:
    module MMazeTaskModule     maze_task
    module MRandomActionModule rand_action
  3. Connect the following port pairs:
    • maze_task.signal_start_of_step --> rand_action.slot_step
    • rand_action.signal_action --> maze_task.slot_execute_action
      connect maze_task.signal_start_of_step ,  rand_action.slot_step
      connect rand_action.signal_action ,  maze_task.slot_execute_action
  4. Assign the maze information to the configuration parameters of maze_task:
            []= (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
        StartX= 1
        StartY= 3

That's it. Let's test!

Launch the executable as follows:

./maze.out -agent random_act

You will see a maze as follows where the robot (R) moves randomly.

(1,5)  77/4
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       G #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #       #
 #   #     #   # # #
 # R       #       #
 #                 #
 # # # # # # # # # #

Agent Script for Q(lambda)-learning

If you can make sure that MMazeTaskModule works correctly, then, let's apply a Q-learning module.

  1. Create a blank file named ql.agent and open it.
  2. Include ql_dsda where a composite Q-learning module is defined:
    include_once "ql_dsda"
  3. Instantiate the modules; the MMazeTaskModule's instance should have the name maze_task:
    module MMazeTaskModule  maze_task
    module MTDDiscStateAct  behavior
  4. Connect the port pairs:
    /// initialization process:
    connect  maze_task.signal_initialization       , behavior.slot_initialize
    /// start of episode process:
    connect  maze_task.signal_start_of_episode     , behavior.slot_start_episode
    /// learning signals:
    connect  behavior.signal_execute_action        , maze_task.slot_execute_action
    connect  maze_task.signal_end_of_step          , behavior.slot_finish_action
    connect  maze_task.signal_reward               , behavior.slot_add_to_reward
    connect  maze_task.signal_finish_episode       , behavior.slot_finish_episode_immediately
    /// I/O:
    connect  maze_task.out_action_set_size         , behavior.in_action_set_size
    connect  maze_task.out_state_set_size          , behavior.in_state_set_size
    connect  maze_task.out_state                   , behavior.in_state
    connect  maze_task.out_time                    , behavior.in_cont_time
  5. Assign the maze information to the configuration parameters of maze_task:
            []= (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
            []= (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
        StartX= 1
        StartY= 3
  6. Assign the learning configuration to the parameters of behavior:
        UsingEligibilityTrace = true
        UsingReplacingTrace = true
        Lambda = 0.9
        GradientMax = 1.0e+100
        ActionSelection = "asBoltzman"
        PolicyImprovement = "piExpReduction"
        Tau = 1
        TauDecreasingFactor = 0.05
        TraceMax = 1.0
        Gamma = 0.9
        Alpha = 0.3
        AlphaDecreasingFactor = 0.002
        AlphaMin = 0.05

Launch the executable as follows:

./maze.out -path ../../benchmarks/cmn -agent ql -outdir result/rl1

where ../../benchmarks/cmn is a relative path of the benchmarks/cmn directory; modify it for your environment.

After several tens of episodes, the policy will converge to a path:

(1,4)  1/520
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       G #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #       #
 # R #     #   # # #
 #         #       #
 #                 #
 # # # # # # # # # #
(3,6)  5/520
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       G #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #       #
 #   #     #   # # #
 #         #       #
 #     R           #
 # # # # # # # # # #
(6,6)  8/520
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       G #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #       #
 #   #     #   # # #
 #         #       #
 #           R     #
 # # # # # # # # # #
(7,3)  12/520
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       G #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #   R   #
 #   #     #   # # #
 #         #       #
 #                 #
 # # # # # # # # # #
(8,1)  15/520
 # # # # # # # # # #
 #       #       R #
 #   #   #         #
 # S #   # #       #
 #   #     #   # # #
 #         #       #
 #                 #
 # # # # # # # # # #

In order to store the learning logs, make a directory result/rl1 which is specified with -outdir option. Plotting log-eps-ret.dat, you will obtain a learning curve:

Example of a learning curve.

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