''Table of Contents''

* Installation Guide for Debian/Ubuntu (32bit) [#ad9ab29f]

** 1. Install Octave, Boost, and ODE [#y7aeebfd]
Install the packages, octave3.0 and octave3.0-headers.
  $ sudo apt-get -f install octave3.0 octave3.0-headers
Note: octave3.2 is not supported in SkyAI 0.1.0.&br;
Use the latest version to work with octave3.2 (package names are: octave3.2 octave3.2-headers).&br;
Note: octave3.2 is not supported by SkyAI 0.1.0.  Use the latest version of SkyAI (get by git) to work with octave3.2 (package names are: octave3.2 octave3.2-headers).&br;
Note: You may need to create a symbolic link of libatlas.so, as follows:
  $ cd /usr/lib
  $ sudo ln -s libatlas.so.3gf libatlas.so

:[[Boost C++ Libraries>http://www.boost.org/]]|
Install libboost1.40-all-dev.
  $ sudo apt-get -f install libboost1.40-all-dev
// SkyAI may not work with libboost1.48-all-dev because of some problems of boost::filesystem

:[[Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)>http://www.ode.org/]]|
Since the binary package of ODE does not provide libdrawstuff, we compile ODE from the source code.
First of all, we need to install OpenGL:
  $ sudo apt-get -f install libglut3 libglut3-dev
If you cannot find out these packages, freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev may be the alternatives.&br;
Then, download the source code (e.g. ode-0.11.1.zip) and extract it:
  $ cd ~/lib
  $ unzip ode-0.11.1.zip
  $ cd ode-0.11.1/
// version 0.12 seems to be OK
Here, we put ODE on ~/lib/ode-0.11.1, but any location is possible.
Execute ./configure (maybe you need to install the other packages):
  $ ./configure --enable-double-precision
Here, ''--enable-double-precision is required for the SkyAI's benchmark''.
If the configure succeeded, execute the make command:
  $ make
That's it. You need NOT to execute 'make install'.
When installing ODE, you will see the following errors:
  x11.cpp:108: error: undefined reference to 'XOpenDisplay'
  x11.cpp:123: error: undefined reference to 'XCreateColormap'
To fix this problem, you need to change the configure option.  These errors arise because the library libX11.so is not about to be linked.  Thus, set -lX11 in X_EXTRA_LIBS, then configure.  Specifically, if you are using bash, execute as follows:
X_EXTRA_LIBS=-lX11 ./configure --enable-double-precision

** 2. Download the source code [#x910bfde]

You can choose two ways:

:(1) Get the files from the Git repository (recommended)|
You need the Git program. If you do not have Git, install:
  $ sudo apt-get -f install git-core
Download SkyAI from sourceforge:
  $ cd ~/proj
  $ git clone git://skyai.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/skyai/skyai
Here, we put SkyAI on ~/proj/skyai, but any location is OK.
:(2) Download the archive (easy)|
Download an archive from [[SkyAI File List:https://sourceforge.net/projects/skyai/files/]], then extract it.
Here, we assume the extracted directory is ~/proj/skyai, but any location is OK.

** 3. Setup the makefiles [#cd133e73]
Create the following files at the SkyAI directory (e.g. ~/proj/skyai).

  include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_preconf.sample
  SKYAI_BASE := $(wildcard ~/proj/skyai)
Here, we assume that SkyAI is put on ~/proj/skyai.  If not, modify SKYAI_BASE.

  ## for Octave
  ifeq ($(USING_OCTAVE),true)
    LIBS += -I/usr/include/octave-$(OCTAVE_VER)
    LDLIBS += -L/usr/lib/octave-$(OCTAVE_VER) -loctave -lcruft -Wl,-rpath /usr/lib/octave-$(OCTAVE_VER)
    LDLIBS += -ldl -lfftw3 -L/usr/lib/atlas -latlas -llapack -lblas
  ## for ODE
  ifeq ($(USING_ODE),true)
    LIBODE := $(wildcard ~/lib/ode-0.11.1)
    LIBS += -I$(LIBODE)/include
    LDLIBS += $(LIBODE)/ode/src/.libs/libode.a
    LDLIBS += $(LIBODE)/drawstuff/src/.libs/libdrawstuff.a
    LDLIBS += -lSM -lICE -lGL -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11 -ldl -lGLU -lpthread
Here, we assume that (1) the octave version is 3.0.5, and (2) ODE is version 0.11.1 and put on ~/lib/ode-0.11.1.  If you are using a difference configuration, modify OCTAVE_VER and LIBODE.

** 4. Build [#w59e824f]
In the skyai directory, execute:
  $ make

* Installation Guide for Debian/Ubuntu (64bit) [#y9e04542]
In the procedure of Debian/Ubuntu (32bit), change the setup of Makefile_preconf as follows:
  include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_preconf.sample
  SKYAI_BASE := $(wildcard ~/proj/skyai)
  ifeq ($(DEBUG),true)
    CXXFLAGS := -g -Wall -rdynamic
    CXXFLAGS := -g -Wall -rdynamic -O3

* Test [#b0f4fe2d]
To test your installation, please see [[Running Demos>Documentation/Running Demos]].

* If you have a trouble... [#i4ebcee3]
Please do not hesitate to [[contact us>Developers]].
Any comments are welcome!

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