- Jan 28, 2014: [[SkyAI 0.2.0:http://sourceforge.net/projects/skyai/files/skyai-0.2.0.zip/download]] is released.
-- [[Release Note>./0.2.0]]
- May 27, 2011: [[SkyAI 0.1.0:http://sourceforge.net/projects/skyai/files/skyai-0.1.0.zip/download]] is released.
- May 25, 2011: A new website has popped up!
- December 6, 2010| SkyAI is introduced in Humanoids2010. You can download the paper from [[here:http://robotics.naist.jp/~akihiko-y/publications.php]].
- September 22, 2010: SkyAI is introduced in RSJ2010. You can download the paper (in Japanese) from [[here:http://robotics.naist.jp/~akihiko-y/publications.php]].
- June 14, 2010: The development version has been released. You can [[browse code:http://skyai.git.sourceforge.net/]].