Installation Guide
/ Installation Guide
-- Use page as template --
Documentation/Architecture Overview
Documentation/Installation Guide
Documentation/Installation Guide/Debian and Ubuntu
Documentation/Installation Guide/Mac
Documentation/Modular Architecture
Documentation/Running Demos
Documentation/Running Demos/Common Usage
Documentation/Running Demos/bioloid
Documentation/Running Demos/humanoid01
Documentation/Running Demos/maze2d
Documentation/Script Language
Documentation/Tutorial - Example - Maze
Documentation/Tutorial - Example - Mountain Car
Documentation/Tutorial - Making Executable
Documentation/Tutorial - Making Module
Documentation/Tutorial - Making Original Domain
Documentation/Tutorial - Making RL Module
Documentation/Tutorial - Writing Agent Script
Recent Changes
Recent Changes/0.2.0
''Table of Contents'' #contents * OS Specific Installation Guide [#OSSpec] ** [[Debian/Ubuntu>./Debian and Ubuntu]] [#i1d8be6b] - [[Installation Guide for Debian/Ubuntu>./Debian and Ubuntu]] ** [[Mac>./Mac]] [#xd4a1523] - [[Installation Guide for Mac>./Mac]] * General Installation Guide [#General] ** Dependent Libraries [#k140a87a] To build SkyAI, the following libraries (including headers) are needed: - [[Octave>]] (liboctave, headers) - [[Boost C++ Libraries>]] -- current_function.hpp -- Bind (bind.hpp) -- Conversion (lexical_cast.hpp) -- Filesystem (filesystem/operations.hpp, filesystem/path.hpp) -- Function (function.hpp) -- Preprocessor (preprocessor.hpp) -- Random (random.hpp) -- Spirit (spirit/include/classic.hpp) -- Tokenizer (tokenizer.hpp) -- (Thread) - [[Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)>]] (Required only for robot-learning benchmarks) -- libode -- libdrawstuff -- We tested the following versions: --- 0.11.1, 0.10.1 -- ''Configure option --enable-double-precision is required for the SkyAI's benchmark'' - Some *nix-specific headers: -- sys/ioctl.h -- sys/resource.h -- sys/stat.h -- sys/time.h -- sys/types.h -- termios.h -- fcntl.h -- unistd.h ** Build [#k29289c2] *** 1. Download the source code [#yb19ea79] You can choose two ways: :(1) Get the files from the Git repository (recommended)| Execute the following command: $ git clone git:// :(2) Download the archive (easy)| Download an archive from [[SkyAI File List:]], then extract it. *** 2. Setup the makefiles [#se537c68] :Makefile_preconf| 1. Create a blank file Makefile_preconf: touch Makefile_preconf 2. Edit it as follows: include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_preconf.sample SKYAI_BASE := SKYAI_DIRECTORY where SKYAI_DIRECTORY denotes the root directory of SkyAI. :Makefile_libconf| 1. Create Makefile_libconf as a copy of Makefile_libconf.sample cp Makefile_libconf.sample Makefile_libconf 2. edit Makefile_libconf *** 3. Build [#p64d4c4f] ''Build all programs'' In the SskyAI directory, execute: $ make ''Custom build'' Note: liblora is a supplementary library of SkyAI, which is used in every program. :Only libskyai (with ODE)| $ make lora skyai :Only libskyai (without ODE)| $ make lora skyai $ make lora_std lora_oct skyai :Maze2D demo (without ODE)| $ make -C benchmarks/maze2d * Test [#mfa70201] To test your installation, please see [[Running Demos>Documentation/Running Demos]]. * If you have a trouble... [#s1d90c8d] Please do not hesitate to [[contact us>Developers]]. Any comments are welcome!
Do not change timestamp
''Table of Contents'' #contents * OS Specific Installation Guide [#OSSpec] ** [[Debian/Ubuntu>./Debian and Ubuntu]] [#i1d8be6b] - [[Installation Guide for Debian/Ubuntu>./Debian and Ubuntu]] ** [[Mac>./Mac]] [#xd4a1523] - [[Installation Guide for Mac>./Mac]] * General Installation Guide [#General] ** Dependent Libraries [#k140a87a] To build SkyAI, the following libraries (including headers) are needed: - [[Octave>]] (liboctave, headers) - [[Boost C++ Libraries>]] -- current_function.hpp -- Bind (bind.hpp) -- Conversion (lexical_cast.hpp) -- Filesystem (filesystem/operations.hpp, filesystem/path.hpp) -- Function (function.hpp) -- Preprocessor (preprocessor.hpp) -- Random (random.hpp) -- Spirit (spirit/include/classic.hpp) -- Tokenizer (tokenizer.hpp) -- (Thread) - [[Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)>]] (Required only for robot-learning benchmarks) -- libode -- libdrawstuff -- We tested the following versions: --- 0.11.1, 0.10.1 -- ''Configure option --enable-double-precision is required for the SkyAI's benchmark'' - Some *nix-specific headers: -- sys/ioctl.h -- sys/resource.h -- sys/stat.h -- sys/time.h -- sys/types.h -- termios.h -- fcntl.h -- unistd.h ** Build [#k29289c2] *** 1. Download the source code [#yb19ea79] You can choose two ways: :(1) Get the files from the Git repository (recommended)| Execute the following command: $ git clone git:// :(2) Download the archive (easy)| Download an archive from [[SkyAI File List:]], then extract it. *** 2. Setup the makefiles [#se537c68] :Makefile_preconf| 1. Create a blank file Makefile_preconf: touch Makefile_preconf 2. Edit it as follows: include $(BASE_REL_DIR)/Makefile_preconf.sample SKYAI_BASE := SKYAI_DIRECTORY where SKYAI_DIRECTORY denotes the root directory of SkyAI. :Makefile_libconf| 1. Create Makefile_libconf as a copy of Makefile_libconf.sample cp Makefile_libconf.sample Makefile_libconf 2. edit Makefile_libconf *** 3. Build [#p64d4c4f] ''Build all programs'' In the SskyAI directory, execute: $ make ''Custom build'' Note: liblora is a supplementary library of SkyAI, which is used in every program. :Only libskyai (with ODE)| $ make lora skyai :Only libskyai (without ODE)| $ make lora skyai $ make lora_std lora_oct skyai :Maze2D demo (without ODE)| $ make -C benchmarks/maze2d * Test [#mfa70201] To test your installation, please see [[Running Demos>Documentation/Running Demos]]. * If you have a trouble... [#s1d90c8d] Please do not hesitate to [[contact us>Developers]]. Any comments are welcome!
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