This is a simple demonstration of a maze task.
The robot is an omniwheel mobile robot. The robot can move in any direction on a 2-dimensional plane ([-1,1]x[-1,1]).
This task is performed in simulation. The state of the robot is its global position which is expressed as
x = (x1, x2) ,
and its control input is the state transition in a time step dt=0.01 which is expressed as
u = (Dx1, Dx2) .
In this environment, there is some wind that changes the behavior of the robot in the direction of the arrows as shown in the above figure. There are also walls which the robot can not pass through.
The objective of the navigation task is to acquire a path from the start to the goal. According to this objective, the reward function is designed as follows: 1 for goal, a small step cost, and a penalty for going out of the plane. Each episode begins with the start state, and ends if the robot has reached the goal, gone outside, or t>12[s].
Please read Common Usage in advance. The running command is:
$ ./DEMO_PRG -path PATH_LIST -agent AGENT_FILE -outdir OUT_DIR
The demo-specific elements are:
For example, execute the following:
$ mkdir -p result/rl1 $ ./maze2d.out -path ../cmn,m -agent ql_da1 -outdir result/rl1
You can see the output like (debug lines are omitted):
random seed = 1306343562 episode 0... episode 1... episode 2... episode 3... episode 4... ... episode 997... episode 998... episode 999...
In OUT_DIR (result/rl1), the result files are stored. For example, use gnuplot to plot the learning curve as:
$ gnuplot gnuplot> plot 'result/rl1/log-eps-ret.dat' w l
The following files can be specified as AGENT_FILE.